Änderung der Hymne - tradução para Inglês
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Änderung der Hymne - tradução para Inglês

Hölderlins Hymne "Der Ister"; Hölderlins hymne "der ister"; Holderlin's Hymn "The Ister"; Hoelderlins Hymne "Der Ister"; Holderlins Hymne "Der Ister"; Hoelderlins hymne "der ister"; Hoelderlin's Hymn "The Ister"; Holderlins hymne "der ister"

anthem change      
Änderung der Hymne
Hugo van der Goes         
  • ''The Fall and Redemption of Man''
  • ''The Adoration of the Kings'' ([[Monforte Altarpiece]])
  • Shepherds from the Portinari Triptych
  • ''Portrait of a Man at Prayer with St John the Baptist''
  • ''Saint George and the Dragon''
  • 280px
  • Adoration of the Shepherds]]''
  • Still life from the Portinari Triptych
  • Portinari Triptych]]
  • ''Death of the Virgin''
Hugo van Der Goes; Hugo Van der Goes; Hugo Goes; Hugo van der goes; Hugo Van Der Goes
Hugo van der Goes, (ca. 1440-1482) flemischer Renaissance Maler, Maler des Kunstwerks "Jakob begegnet Rachel"
van der Waals         
Van der waals; Van der Walls; Van der waal; Van Der Waal; Van der Waal; Van der Waals (disambiguation); Van de Waal; Waals; Van der Waal (disambiguation)
Johannes Diderik van der Waals, (1837-1923) niederländischer Physiker, erhielt den Nobelpreis für Physik im Jahre 1910; van der Waals, Nachname


van der Waals forces
[?van d?'w?:lz, 'v?:lz]
¦ plural noun Chemistry weak, short-range electrostatic attractive forces between uncharged molecules, arising from the interaction of permanent or transient electric dipole moments.
C19: named after the Dutch physicist Johannes van der Waals.


Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister"

Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" (German: Hölderlins Hymne »Der Ister«) is the title given to a lecture course delivered by German philosopher Martin Heidegger at the University of Freiburg in 1942. It was first published in 1984 as volume 53 of Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe. The translation by William McNeill and Julia Davis was published in 1996 by Indiana University Press. Der Ister is a poem by Friedrich Hölderlin, the title of which refers to an ancient name for a part of the Danube River.